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'Peer-Based Sports Fitness for Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education Prevention,' a transformative project focused on empowering youth to lead healthier lives. Today’s young generation faces the dual challenges of substance abuse and mental health decline, which threaten both their potential and our communities’ futures
About the Strategic Review: In 2019, NAPSWI has entered in its 15th year of existence. This was considered a right time to look back, understand different aspects of the organization, analyze the context, enumerate its challenges and establish the long-term directions and priorities.
NAPSWI collaborated with Nada India Foundation and launched "NAPSWI Young India Wellness Campaign" with a vision of having a meaningful involvement of young social work students in the advocacy of good health agenda in India with a primary focus on alcohol, drug use and diet as major risk factors for NCDs. Nada India trainers and counselors are available for planning and providing learning opportunities according to specific training needs of the young students.
Cancer, diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes), chronic respiratory diseases (such as asthma), obesity, congenital and acquired heart disease and many endemic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) all affect children and/or start in childhood. Children and young people are often targeted by companies advertising fast food, tobacco or alcohol use, and many grow up today in environments that are not conducive to adopting healthy lifestyles (e.g. participating in sport).
The NCDs share modifiable behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and alcohol use. Air pollution has rapidly emerged as an important risk factor for NCDs. The behavioral and environmental risk factors lead to overweight and obesity, raised blood pressure and raised cholesterol, subsequently increasing the occurrence of CVDs, diabetes, cancers, and chronic respiratory diseases.
Lack of empowering environment is a socially transmitted condition that pushes young people to seek “freedom” in inactivity ,Unhealthy food and alcohol /drugs, This lack of power may be felt as boredom, as starvation, as abuse, as a lack of opportunities to earn etc.
giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in college activities and decisions that will shape their lives, the lives of their families and the lives of their peers.
focusing on resilience and strengths instead of risk factors and deficits
providing opportunities for contribution and participation for all students, regardless of ability, location, status, background, culture or sexuality active participation from students and support from leadership
This joint initiative combines the strengths of NAPSWI members to work on well-being of students and respond the problem of NCDs and cross cutting risk factors for positive and scalable outcomes, NAPSWI leadership led initiative brought together the two organizations. Nada India has long experience in peer led approaches to rehabilitation and psychosocial support and youth empowerment.
Mr.Vatsyayan explained about the Twin City (Varanasi: A spiritual capital & Delhi: The National Capital of India) project of Nada India & Kashi Vidya Peeth in association with NAPSWI. Nada along with NAPSWI initiated NAPSWI Nada India Wellness campaign at different Universities in 2016 which has been a major success.
NAPSWI and Nada India participated in WHO web-based consultation on ‘Draft first Report of The WHO Independent High- Level Commission on Non-Communicable Diseases in May 2018.
6 key messages for improvements of the report Alcohol is a major risk factor for NCDs as well as for the global burden of disease in general. Evidence shows that there is a strong link between alcohol and NCDs, particularly cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, pancreatitis and diabetes and these findings support calls by WHO to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce harmful use of alcohol. Alcohol is also a major obstacle to sustainable development, adversely affecting 13 of 17 SDGs.
Amity University, NOIDA
Suneel Vatsyayan Chairperson ,Nada India in conversation with Social work students of Amity Institute of Social Science NOIDA . The session was moderated by Mr.Prashant R.Chauhan #TobaccoExposed
Mentor is bacon of light that helps mentee to come out of darkness. Torch is wisdom that mentor is carrying, telling the mentee that if you fall that I am here to pick you up. Mentor has experience which helps the mentee.
#covid19 Lockdown experience has taught us that we have more time for our families, now we perceive things from different point of view. Our normal behavior has changed and it will further change once the lockdown opens. There is still a chance of falling back in the same pattern of life. What makes us talk about our personal issues? Do you think there is a safe space available with us? Mentor creates a safe space for mentee to come out from his problems and share them as his comfort level.
Addiction Battling Campaign:
Date : 28 June 2020
In this phase of pandemic ,when everyone is stuck in their homes with very limited resources, AMSA- India conducted the workshop named ABC ( Addiction Battling Campaign ) under their Pubic Health and Research Department. The workshop was held under the project Hope Stone ( Project Head : Safal Boob ) in collaboration with De' Sousa Foundation and NADA India .
This amazing sesssion of virtual learning began at 4pm sharp on Zoom platform which also went live on YouTube . We had a well experienced pannel with us to discuss the topic . The pannelists were Dr Avinash Desousa ,who is a consultant psychiatrist and also the Founder Trustee of Desousa Foundation ., Priyanka Verma who is a Clinical Psychologist & Psychotherapist ans the founder of "The Thought Co." and Vipan Sachdeva from NADA India ,Who is in this field since last 27 years & has also worked with IPS Ma'am Kiran Bedi for 3yrs at Tihar Jail as a counsellor.
A strong networking and coordinated efforts can make campaign as success said Dr.Suresh Pathare, National Secretary of NAPSWI. Later, CSRD organized an NGO consultation discussed with a contribution from local NGOs. Suryodaya Foundation agreed to provide resource persons for the awareness program and access to their de-addiction centres in Ahmednagar. Few of the active members of Alcoholic Anonymous Ahmednagar also volunteered to participate in the social work students’ initiatives.
On an initiative of Dr.Suresh Pathare, Director of CSRD and Secretary of NAPSWI on 21st August 2018, Mr. Suneel Vatsyayan, and Pallavi, Nada India team members visited CSRDISWR, Ahmednagar Maharashtra. A mini workshop on ‘Role of Social workers in Alcohol,Tobacco, NCD prevention was arranged for the MSW students of the college.
Prof. Neera Agnimitra, in her discussion, at NAPSWI Mental Health symposium during World Mental Health Congress 2017 focused upon mental health needs of youth.
"She emphasized that mental health concerns of youth at workplace can be addressed much better if the interventions happen before youth enters workplaces. She considered Universities and colleges to be the key areas requiring urgent focus of mental health interventions. "
Sharing examples of mental health concerns of youth within her institution, she also broadly discussed how many young people today suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and how they immediate need for gratification impacts their behaviors. Prof. Agnimitra stated the need for urgent action vis a vis mental health in educational institutions. She also cautioned that mere administrative procedures in form of establishment of committees or recruitment of counselors may not be enough because what we need is an environment which de-stigmatizes help seeking and allows for openness in sharing own worries, problems and mental health concerns. She urged NAPSWI to act in this direction.
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नमस्ते मैं , नाडा इंडिया परिवार के साथ दौड़ रहा हूं। मैं उन सभी युवाओं और उनके परिवारों के लिए दौड़ रहा हूं, जो कैंसर, श्वसन रोगों और टीबी जैसी गंभीर बीमारियों से जूझ रहे हैं और इन चुनौतियों के कारण अच्छी शिक्षा और रोजगार से वंचित हो रहे हैं। मैं आप सभी से अनुरोध करता हूं कि 20 अक्टूबर को वेदांता हाफ मैराथन में हिस्सा लें। आइए, नाडा इंडिया के साथ मिलकर बदलाव के लिए दौड़ें!
Hi, I’m running for Nada India to save young lives and support families impacted by NCDs, losing education and work opportunities. Join us on October 20th at the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon and back the Nada India team.